Shop is where you can find exclusive discounts and cash back offers to save on the brands you love most. This article explains how to get discounts using Shop.
1. Search discounts in Shop
To get started, go to Shop and search for discounts or cash back offers by brand or product category. To learn how to find discounts specific to your community, visit Searching for Shop discounts.
2. Choose discounts or cash back
After finding a discount, select a button to get the discount. You can also activate cash back. The button you select depends on whether you’re getting a discount or activating cash back. For example, you may select:
- Unlock to Save or Shop Now - You’ll be redirected to the retailer or brand's Shop page. When available, select Verify with and sign in to your account.
- Copy promo code - You’ll be redirected to a page where you can copy the promo code. You can also sign in to your account.
- Activate cash back - You’ll be redirected to the brand’s site and prompted to sign in to your account. Cash back is applied automatically.
3. Add items to your cart and verify
You may be redirected to the brand’s website where you can add items to your cart. Make sure you qualify for the discount you are trying to get, as many discounts have specific terms.
You will be prompted to verify for your community on the retailer or brand's shop. Follow the prompts to verify for your community.
Communities you can verify for
To find steps to verify for specific communities, select the community you are a member of:
After you complete your verification, follow the prompts on the screen to return to checkout and purchase your items. If the discount you’d like to get isn’t added automatically, you may need to enter the promo code you copied from the retailer’s site.
Troubleshooting discounts
If you have trouble getting your discount, visit I’m having trouble getting a discount.