Any purchases that qualify for cash back should show up in your account’s Cash Back History as “Pending”, within three business days. However, some retailers won’t confirm your purchase until their return period has expired, which can take 45 to 60 days. This article explains how to check your cash back balance.
Check your balance
To view your cash back balance:
- Go to Shop.
- Sign in to your account.
- In the upper right corner, select My Cash.
- Your balance is on the left side, under “Cash Back Balance”.
After the retailer has fully processed your purchase and has been paid for it, your cash back status changes from “Pending” to “Processed”. After this happens, your cash back is added to your overall cash back balance.
Why is my balance low?
If you believe your balance is lower than it should be:
- Review your cash back status for recent purchases, to check if they have been paid out.
- Keep in mind, cash back for travel-related purchases won’t be processed until after your trip is completed.
Report missing cash back
If you don't see a purchase in your account within two weeks, you have 60 days to file a dispute. To learn how to file a dispute, visit Troubleshooting cash back purchases.