Find and save on your favorite brands with exclusive discounts from Shop. If you’re not sure if a brand or retailer has an Shop discount, search by the brand’s name to check. This article explains how to search for discounts in Shop.
1. Go to Shop
To get started:
- Go to Shop.
- Select Sign In and sign in to your account to see discounts specific to your community.
2. Find discounts
Search by Keyword or Brand
- Use the search bar: Type in keywords like "shoes" or "tickets" to find discounts related to specific products or events.
- Search by retailer: Enter a retailer’s name to find discounts for particular stores.
- View results: After typing in a keyword, find and select an offer. You’ll be redirected to the retailer’s site.
From the search results page, you can:
- Sort offers by what’s most popular or newest.
- Filter by category. Check the box next to a category to refine your search results.
- If you select Offers, you can also filter by community.
Browse by category
- Choose a category: From the Shop navigation, select categories like "Health & Beauty" or "Travel & Entertainment."
- Select subcategories: Narrow down options within categories.
Tip: If you find a discount you are interested in but not ready to redeem, select the ♡ icon. This adds the discount to your “Saved” discounts.
Browse by community
In Shop, choose a community from the drop-down menu to view discounts relevant to your community.