About Communities
Getting started with Community verification
As a member of a community, you can verify to access exclusive deals and discounts in ID.me Shop. This way, you can s...
Communities you can verify for to receive discounts
ID.me provides discounts for various communities, including nurses, military personnel, students, teachers, veterans,...
Verifying for a community
ID.me provides discounts for various communities, including nurses, military personnel, students, teachers, veterans,...
Adding Community cards to your ID.me Wallet
To add a community to your ID.me Wallet, you must verify for a specific community. After verifying, a Community card ...
Confirming you verified for your community
If you have trouble claiming a discount, you may want to confirm if you successfully verified for your specific commu...
Verification expiration
Whether you’re verifying your identity or verifying as a member of a community to access discounts, some verification...