The Cash Back program rewards you with cash back when you make eligible purchases through the Shop. When you start in Shop, then purchase items from a retailer, a percentage of what you spent is returned to you. This article explains what you need to get started.
Any person with an account, and who is 18 years or older, can earn cash back. To learn more about eligibility requirements, visit Cash Back program eligibility.
Get started
There are a few necessary steps to begin earning cash back.
Create an account
Earning cash back requires you to first create an account.
Link Paypal to your Shop account
Start by signing up for a Paypal account, then link it to your account. To link the accounts:
- Sign in to Shop.
- In the upper right corner, select My Cash.
- In the PayPal account section, select Add Account.
- Enter your PayPal email and confirm it.
- Select Update Email.
Cash back vs. Community discounts
There are key differences between the discounts available after verifying for a community and cash back offers, which are available to anyone with an account.
- Cash back - Cash back is a reward you receive for completing your purchases via Shop. For every eligible purchase made through an Shop offer, a percentage of the money you spent is returned to you. No community verification is necessary. Typically, cash back is a percentage of the purchase price and doesn't include the following items, including but not limited to: taxes, shipping and handling, convenience fees, gift certificates, and store credit.
- Discounts - To be eligible for Shop discounts, you must verify for a community. Discounts usually reduce the cost of your purchases on a participating retailer's website by a set percentage or dollar amount, specifically for members of a certain community. For instance, students may be eligible for a 15 percent discount on their purchases.
Learn more about cash back
For more detailed information about the Cash Back program, please visit the following articles:
- Earning cash back
- Checking your cash back balance
- Cash back statuses and payouts
- Deductions in your cash back account
- Cash back for travel purchases
- Troubleshooting cash back purchases