First Responders
Verifying your first responder status
Verify your first responder status to access exclusive discounts in Shop. You can verify as an active or retire...
First responder eligibility
You can be a current or retired first responder to verify for first responder discounts. This article outlines the el...
Documents to verify first responder status
To verify as a first responder you must upload specific documents and have an eligible first responder job title. Bot...
Using your ProBoard certification for first responder verification
The ProBoard is an international accreditation system for fire service organizations. You can use this credential to ...
Using your EMT/EMS state or national certification number
EMTs and Paramedics who are state or nationally certified, and also eligible, can verify as first responders by enter...
How long it takes to verify your first responder status
The time it takes to verify your first responder status depends on the verification method you choose. This article e...