If a discount wasn’t applied to your purchase, or if the promo code didn’t work, try the steps in this article. If you’re not able to get the discount, contact the retailer or brand’s customer support directly.
ID.me Support can help with issues verifying for a community, but cannot help with redeeming discounts.
1. Confirm your community verification
Make sure you successfully verified for your community:
- Go to the ID.me sign-in page and sign in to your account.
- Select Manage IDs.
- Under Active IDs, check for the community card you intended to verify for. If your community card isn’t there, you’ll need to verify for your community.
2. Check the discount details
Item eligibility
To check the eligibility of an item you’d like to purchase:
- Go to ID.me Shop.
- Search for the brand or retailer in the search bar, then select it.
- Under “Restrictions”, read what is and isn’t included in the discount.
Certain items may be excluded from the discount, and retailers may not allow you to combine multiple discounts.
Community eligibility
To check if your Community is eligible for the discount:
- Go to ID.me Shop.
- Enter the brand or retailer name in the search bar.
- Select the brand or retailer.
- Under “All Offers”, ensure the community you verified displays.
Some discounts may be restricted to specific sub-groups (e.g., active duty members only, not veterans).
3. Retry getting the discount
To try again:
- Find the discount in ID.me Shop and click the discount.
- Add the item you want to your cart, then go to checkout.
- In checkout, select the ID.me button, sign in to your account, and follow the prompts.
Promo code
If a promo code is required, ensure you enter it correctly at checkout and that it hasn’t been used previously.
4. Contact the retailer or brand
If you still can’t get the discount, contact the retailer’s or brand’s customer support for assistance. Here is a sample message you can send:
Sample Message:
I verified my Nurse status using ID.me on [Date] to receive a [Discount Percentage] discount with your store. However, the discount or promo code isn’t working. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Other discount troubleshooting
I need to cancel or modify a purchase
To cancel or modify a purchase, contact the retailer directly. ID.me Support cannot help with canceling or modifying purchases.
I live in Canada and couldn’t get a discount
For residents in Canada:
- Search “Canada” in ID.me Shop for eligible discounts.
- Access discounts through the Canadian version of the retrailer or brand’s website.
- Ensure your account reflects Canadian residency; U.S. verifications will not apply.
I’m a hospital employee and not sure what discounts I am eligible for
Hospital employees who work at a hospital, medical facility, or health care facility, but who do not fall under the medical or nurse community, may still qualify for discounts. To find what discounts are available, go to ID.me Shop and search “Hospital employee”.