If you have too many unsuccessful sign-in attempts, you may see a message that your account was locked. This article provides instructions on how to unlock your account.
To unlock your account:
Select the "here" link in the "Your account has been locked" error message.
Enter your account email address
On the “Unlock your ID.me Account” screen, enter the email address on your ID.me account.
Select Continue.
Check your email inbox
Check for an email from ID.me. If the email isn’t in your inbox, check your spam and junk folders. This link will expire after 15 minutes. If the link expires, resend a new link. -
Confirm and unlock you account
In the email from ID.me, select Unlock your account.
After reconfirming your email address, your account will be unlocked. If you don’t remember your password, reset it.
Troubleshoot unlocking your account
If you have any issues unlocking your account, please wait 24 hours and then try again.