Internal Revenue Service
IRS and
The IRS works with, a technology provider, to provide authentication and identity verification for taxpayers an...
Signing in to the IRS using
Once you've verified your identity for the IRS, you can sign in to various IRS applications using your account....
Getting your IP PIN from the IRS
An Identity Protection PIN (IP PIN) is a six-digit number that helps protect your Social Security number (SSN) or Ind...
Getting help after verifying for the IRS
For questions about your tax transcripts, refund status, tax payments, or IRS error codes, you must contact the IRS d...
- and IRS FAQs
This article includes common questions and answers related to using to access the IRS. What does do for t...
Accessing the IRIS Taxpayer Portal using verifies your personal identity for accessing the Information Returns Intake System (IRIS), whether for persona...
Using the IRS for work works with the IRS to provide identity verification for taxpayers and tax professionals accessing IRS applicati...
Changing verification methods for IRS identity verification
When verifying your identity for the IRS using either Self-Service or a video call, you can switch to a different ver...
Signing in to the Form 990-N Electronic Filing System (e-Postcard) or the Qualified Intermediary, Withholding Foreign Partnership, Withholding Foreign Trust Application and Account Management System?
As an IRS technology provider, helps verify your identity for accessing IRS applications like Form 990-N (e-Pos...