This article provides instructions on what to do if your account is revoked. After you close your account, it will be placed in a 'revoked' status, and your profile information will be deleted within 7 days. If you’d like to reinstate your account within that period, follow the steps in this article.
Reinstate your account
If you’d like to reinstate your revoked account:
- Go to the Contact Support page.
- Enter your account email address
In the fields labeled “Email address used with” and “Email address we should use to contact you,” enter the email associated with your revoked account.
- From the “Select your issue” drop-down menu, select My account is revoked.
- Select Submit to send your request.
After you submit the form, you will receive an email from with further instructions.
Close your account
If you no longer want your account after it’s been revoked, no action is required. Your revoked account will be fully removed within 7 days of the closure date.